We have handicapped parking available at the front of the parking lot. There is overflow parking available at the Ferrell Center and McLane Stadium and Bus parking on the side of the building. You can apply for a visitors parking pass on Baylor’s Website.
Wheelchair Accessibility
There are ramps leading in and out of both the front and the back of the building. We have multiple elevators leading to the 2nd floor exhibits. We also have handicap door access. All of the buildings in the village have ramps leading up and into them. All exhibits are wheelchair friendly There are also a few wheelchairs available at the front desk if needed.
Sensory Accommodations
Sensory Backpacks are available at the ticketing desk. These may be checked out for free.
Service Animals
In accordance with Baylor University policy, service animals are permitted inside University-controlled property. Learn more about Baylor’s Pets on Campus Policy.
Hard of Hearing
We have plaques in every exhibit explaining the history, how we got it, and why it is important.
Mobility Accommodations
There are benches and chairs throughout the entire museum. A few wheelchairs are available at the front desk. There are elevators available. There are handrails in the bathroom. Adaptive tools in Design Den.
Blind and Visually Impaired
We now have an audio tour available for use throughout parts of the museum including the Natural History portion of the museum and the Outdoor Village.
We do have some braille throughout the museum.
Family Accommodations
There are family restrooms, a nursing room, an adult changing table, and strollers available for use.
Language Accommodations
We have some staff that is bi-lingual. We have a few bi-lingual exhibits.